Sunday, September 21, 2008

Catching up on the Cooks

Our lives are flying by ~ so I decided that I better start capturing some of the highlights before they are forever forgotten. Summer was simply superb. We had plenty of fun! Courtney's birthday is July 13th, but honestly we started celebrating mid-June and enjoyed a full month of lets spoil Courtney rotten. For starters we decided that Sis needed a responsibility so we took the plunge and got her a puppy.... Welcome Jazzy! She is a Shorky and could not be more adorable. The great news is that Kris, Kade and Kell adore this little pup too. Thankfully she is really smart and has been very easy to train. Whew!!! Jazz and Court are the best of friends ~ but when it comes time for Jazzy to really play hard she and Kellett have a riot.
July 4th was the BEST!!! We went to the greatest parade in the World (and I'm not kidding - if you ever want to experience small time charm at its finest go to the 4th of July Parade in Moroni, UT). Then we had a fabulous lunch and finished the day at the Stadium of Fire. Glenn Beck, Blue Man Group and every little girl's favorite Miley Cyrus... aka... Hanna Montana were the entertainment this year. Courtney was in 7th heaven ~ luckily she got to enjoy it with 4 of her absolute favorite people in the world, cousins - Payton and Hayden and Aunts - Holly and Jen. At one point during the concert, Courtney said, “Mom, hold my glasses, I’m just too wild right now” as she was dancing and singing to the music.
Courtney has had a love of shoes from the moment she could talk - she would make Imelda Marcos proud. So for her birthday we took her bestest cousins (Payton & Hayden) and a couple of her bff's (Maddy & Avery) to Roberts Crafts to make the ultimate flip flops! The fun and giggles were abundant ~ I wish she could stay this age FOREVER. Can that be arranged?
The boys had a great summer too. Kris is a big man now. He has been working (if you can really call it working) at the Golf Course since early spring. He lived there all summer, when he wasn't working he was playing golf. The only time he wasn't at Spanish Oaks was when he and his favorite golfing partner, Grandpa Frank were playing on another course.
Kris has a 12 or 13 shoe size (depending on the shoe). He has been 16 years old since the end of March and has yet to go on his official first date. We tell people he has a girl friend and her name is Taylor, Taylor Made. His buddy Landon's girl friend is Calli, Calli Way (Callaway). All they ever do is golf, and there is just not enough hours left in the day for dating.
Kaden also got a job this summer working for a great guy in our ward, Blake Barney. He had fun working on his demolition crew. He learned to drive big machinery, like a bob cat, track hoe, fork lift and a roller. He also got to go to Lake Powell to work on the Barney's house boat and enjoy all the perks of that job like wake boarding, jet skiing and tubing.
He bought a new BMX bike with all the money he made and is a fast learner when it comes to the tricks. He has mastered far too many of them in my opinion... I just pray he doesn't break too many bones in the process. But when it comes to Kade extreme sports are where it is at. He loves to skate board, bike, wake board and snow board. He is a natural and unfortunately has no fear. He recently went to the Dew Tour in SLC and loved every minute of it.
Kellett spent his summer playing with his buddies; Brenn, Colton and Jaxson. They rarely stopped to eat, there was simply too much fun to be had and most of that fun was in the great outdoors. Baseball, football, capture the flag, bike riding and a little bit of gaming on the Nintendo, Wii and Game boy filled every minute of his summer.
He is now busy playing accelerated football. He practices two nights a week and has a game every Saturday morning. Their team is 3-0. He loves it and he and his buddies are hilarious to listen to. They discuss plays and formulate plans ~ this is serious business.
Scott and I are the same as always. Getting older, working, serving in our church callings and keeping up with the kids takes up every bit of our lives. So there you have it! The kids have all settled into the routine of school again and I am dreading the cold weather ~ however, I love the upcoming holidays. We are also going to Disneyland (Caselle is having their annual convention there this year), so we have plenty to look forward to.